
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chicken Tagine Special! So epic

Special thanks to Alex Ireland for showing me how to actually cook. This meal was amazing.
-Chicken Tagine (cooked in a tagine) aka: olives, almonds, lemon, garlic, leeks, spiced with coriander, cumin, fennel, mustard seed
-Roasted sweet potato slices (olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon thyme)
-Salad with newly invented Sesame Dressing (Yozu, rice wine vinegar, olive oil, cilantro, sesame seed oil)
I am definitely going to go get a tagine to cook with now.

Leftover Lunch Wraps: aroma tomato, spinach, quinoa, avocado, brown rice bean medley, hummus, spiced with turmeric and ginger powder

Dinner Qunioa Salad, Dolma, and Apple Cider Vanilla Chicken Salad
-Q Salad with avocado, turmeric, and curry powder
-Salad dressing from apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and vanilla
Breakfast of 7 grain hot cereal (dried cherry, banana, pecan from before) and Tea
-Strawberries, Figs, and soymilk!
-Red Rooibos Tea w/ Stevia

 The continued quest for the best veggie burger: Marin Coffee Roasters Edition.  Tasted better than expected based on looks but the search continues. I would rate it higher than The Counter.  Enjoyed with a balsamic salad and Home made Apple Kombucha.

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