
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Experimentation=Gourmet Success

I love it when making stuff up on the spot works out.

I made a variation of the chicken tagine
Dinner was a feast to say the least.  aroma tomatoes with basil, leftover baked eggplant, oven roasted carrots/zucchini (w/ cloves and rosemary), brown rice, avocado, and hummus.  Oh wait, Chicken Tagine! made with a wok instead of a tagine...  sauteed and simmered together with onions, olive oil, lemon, garlic, mushrooms, fresh ground carraway seeds, and topped with pistachios.  so bomb!

the roasted vegetable display

Lunch eaten for the first time with the RHS Cooking Club.  Looking forward to making and sharing some epic food in the future, but enjoyed my own lunch today. (featuring Jessica Bacchi)
-A cookie from last night's batch
 -leftovers (baked cloves/curry eggplant, woodlands butternut squash and garlic spinach)
-tofu, aroma tomato, and sauteed zucchini (some hummus from the cooking club as well!)

Breakfast: Muesli Combo to figure out how I want my own mix to turn out.  I took a picture but it was mixed together, the light was bad, and I think everyone knows what muesli mixed with yogurt looks like (not exactly picture perfect).  I used the box mix, plus extra thick rolled oats and oat bran.  Mixed with lemon, honey, bananas, strawberries, and yogurt as it should be.  More changes to come tomorrow.

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