
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Party Favors and Personal Favorites

Triple Ginger Cookies
Baked some cookies with my mom to bring to a friends house!  Enjoyed by Jessica Bacchi and Elana Maslow (pictured) and many others.  They had real yummy crystalized ginger in them.

Also hooked up the salads and a little swiss chard.
Did a balsamic vinegar/olive oil/basil dressing and made sure to include some avocado and quality tomatoes.
Lunch was another salad, spinach pita, and yogurt combo.
I think I have mastered my own Raita (yogurt mix with Indian inspiration).  Tabouli, turmeric, cumin, lemon, and cilantro.  I dressed the salad with lemon, olive oil, rice wine vinegar, sesame seed oil, and cilantro. Loving it.

Breakfast at home is so much better than tupperware!
Red Rooibos Latte and actually hot oatmeal.  Banana Maple Nut addition.  Cooked in bananas and nutmeg, topped with maple syrup, soymilk, and pecans. Delicious.

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