
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fish Tacos and Fro Yo!

 Pretty stoked on today.  Lots of good ideas and deliciousness all around, even with not being at home for dinner (went to Nevada City).  Oatmeal was extra sweet this morning:
-Thick Oats cooked with cinnamon and blackberries
-Sliced Banana
-T Joes Vanilla Hemp Protein Powder (awesome flavor)
-Honey (so sweet!)
 I was going to try take out from Sun Flower Cafe, but it was way crowded and the fish tacos on the menu inspired me to make due with leftovers.  It turned out amazing.
-Halibut Mushroom Onion Saute from last night
-TofuYu Wraps
-SooFood Brown Rice Mix (Lentils, rice, grains)
-Green Onion and Cilantro
-Leftover Salad with Balsamic
 Dinner was  a little off but totally easy, convenient, healthy, and decent. Only had some rice, salad leftovers, hummus and almond butter in the car and there's not really any good food off of 80.  I had no dressing so I got lemons from In N Out to mix with hummus.It was actually super tasty!
-Salad Leftovers w/ hummus and lemon
-Brown Rice SooFood with Almond Butter
The treat when we got there! Fro Yo in Nevada City is amazing.  They had more toppings and better flavors than any other one i've been to.  Even waffle cone or waffle bowl options.  This was extra good because I didn't get to eat any candy corn on halloween! I can't wait for the new Fro Yo place to open in San Anselmo!
-Euro Tart and Hawaiian Pineapple Swirl
-Circus Animals, Candy Corn, and Yogurt Covered Pretzels

Featuring Daniel Thomson in Dinner/Dessert

1 comment:

  1. hahaha you know whats funny about the picture with pebboes eating a hamburger is that i can tell its at in n out & u brought your food there
