
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thai Curry and Kiwis Today!

Some new tastes today, not really new creations, just bomb ingredients!
 Mom bought Curry Sauce from the Farmer's Market!
This was too easy for how good it tasted.  Sauteed up some chicken breast and onion in olive oil with star anise, garam masala, and cloves to enjoy with brown rice and Thai Coconut Yellow Curry Sauce.  It was sweet, spicy, and creamy (but not too much or in a bad way from butter or dairy of course).  Accompanied by a crunchy salad with cilantro and Dijon Balsamic Vinaigrette.
-Brown Rice
-Chicken Breast + Onion in Garam Masala, Star Anise, Cloves
-Thai Coconut Curry Sauce
-Arugula, Cabbage, Cucumber, Olives, Cilantro with Balsamic, Olive Oil, Dijon Mustard
Garbanzo Wrap and Salad
 A light lunch in between recovery bowl and dinner.
-Wheat tortilla, little brown rice, garbanzos, avocado, tomato, arugula
    -Spiced with ground pepper, granulated onion, and garlic salt
-Mixed greens with avo and tomato and garbanzos, dressed with rice wine vinegar, olive oil and pepper
 Cinnamon Swirl Recovery Bowl
Fluid Recovery Mix, Frozen Banana and Blueberries, a little ice and water, topped off with some free sample Cinnamon Sesame Seed Vegan Snacks and Swirls of Cinnamon! Crunchy, cinnamon-y, and fruity!
I got a bunch of Kiwi's from the Organic Local Produce People I use!
Went with granola party bowl this morning to save time, but was treated to some diverse strawberry-kiwi flavor!
-Not Sweet Vanilla Galaxy Granola
-Soy Yogurt
-Strawberries and Kiwis!

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