
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cooking Club, FroYo Fun, Persimmons Persimmons Persimmons!

I officially have a gigantic bag of Hachiya Persimmons now and it brings me an abundance of happiness.  You should be jealous. Thanks Julia!
Post Ride Pumpkin Banana Spice Smoothie
 This was pretty cool, a smoothie of a lil' OJ, banana, some extra pumpkin puree, fluid recovery, and all the spices that go into a pumpkin pie! Kind of like drinking pumpkin pie...
Raspberry Persimmon Cinnamon Explosion
This morning's oatmeal was raspberries cinnamon cooked, added persimmon, soymilk, OJ, flax meal, and hemp protein powder (that's the slightly darker color).  Persimmons are delicious of course, and I decided that raspberries taste way better when cooked a bit! And OJ and persimmons definitely go together.
 TuttiMelon is now Coco FroYo
After a massive Medditeranean Plate of yummy greek salad, falafel, hummus, tabouli, and dolmas from Aroma Cafe, I was still ready for yummy parfait next door.  Mochi Pillows, then Blueberry Tart Yogurt, then Carob Chips, then Pomegranate Yogurt, then Pomegranate!  Carob chips are 100x better than chocolate, and mochi pillows are 200x better than marshmallows! 4th street is a delicious place.
 Recovery Bowl Fun
My classic crunchy sorbet/fro yo creation for post ride.  Frozen Banana and Strawberry, Dates, a little soymilk, Fluid Recovery, some Cinnamon, and Galaxy Granola! Amazing.
 Persimmons make the World Go Round
Cooked in blueberries and vanilla, mixed with a Persimmon, vanilla hemp protein powder, flax meal, and a bit of soymilk to absorb the dry ingredients. Delicious for days
 Cooking Club Dinner!
The cooking club dinner was really fun and tasty.  I had some of my salad, Zander Bonorris's Asian Ginger Salad, Amanda Aubel's sweet sweet potato soufflé, and Scott/Corbin's Chicken Kabob. And some really good Pecan Coffee Cake for dessert. Kind of a major feast. The chicken was really good because it was marinated in yogurt/lemon/garam masala/curry powder which I'm going to try, and I also want to make my own Pecan Coffee cake as well.
 My contribution: Vegetables from my Fridge Salad
I basically got a bunch of random stuff from my house that only sort of goes together and mixed it all up.  Romaine lettuce, plenty of carrot shredded and chopped, cucumber, and yellow roma tomato. I used lemon, olive oil, garlic, parsley, and thyme for the dressing.
Interesting but Tasty Lunch
Threw this lunch together without much thought. Tofu, hummus, avocado, sunflower seed bread, cucumber, and green beans. It was super clean and pretty tasty mixing things together as necessary. Also some grapes and a plum. 
Yes its True.
NO OATS IN THIS BREAKFAST?!?!? Pretty amazing, I know.  Soy yogurt with blueberries/raspberries and the last slice of Plum Oat Bread. Oh wait. I lied/tricked you! I can't have breakfast without oats, they are in the bread.  I drizzled the yogurt on the bread and it was quite good.

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