
Monday, December 13, 2010

Taste like Sol Food?

I was so skeptical about dinner because I swore my fridge was empty... but I was led to new discoveries!
 I was mainly just missing lemon for the yogurt mix, salad dressing, and chard saute.  I went with extra garlic and loved it!  I also grilled up the chard stems separately because I felt dumb throwing them away when I wanted more variety for my meal.  They have a very interesting flavor that I definitely enjoy. Everything in I prepared ended up mixing together into one giant tasty combo (mainly the dressing, hummus, and raita mixture w/ garbanzos).   #1 More garlic = taste just like Sol Food.
-Swiss Chard Saute (garlic, olive oil, thyme)
-Brown rice, hummus and Garbanzo beans
-Salad with Olive oil, garlic, granulated onion, garlic salt, and rice wine vinegar dressing
-My Raita Mix (Greek nonfat yogurt, chopped cucumber, dill weed, garam masala, curry, cumin, turmeric)
 Simple Lunch
#2 Never underestimate the power of Almond Butter.
-Raincoast Date Almond Crisps and Almond butter
-Salad w/ Garbanzos and Balsamic Vinaigrette w/ Basil and Pepper
Never the Same Combo!
A new batch of apple cinnamon oatmeal enjoyed with almonds, soymilk, cranberries, and persimmon.  Dialed as always

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