
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Xmas Breakfast, Xmas Dinner, Xmas Dessert...

Breakfast with the fam, dinner with the grandparents, followed by present opening and gingerbread house eating.
I ate half a Ginger Bread house AFTER this...
 More of my Epic Apple Pie, along with some fruit salad and some gingerbread house.  #1 I realized gingerbread houses are another one of those things (Ikeda's Yogurt Covered Pretzels, Honey Whole Wheat Pretzels) that if I start eating I won't stop...Feel like rebounding and eating steamed vegetables for a few days...
 Another half dinner by me
I contributed the Quinoa Salad/Vegetable Sauté, while my Grandma made the Salmon and Salad.  The Salad had a nice Lemon Dijon Mustard Dressing which I'm going to have to make.  I'm starting to make a mean Quinoa Salad! #2 Cooking the thyme in the veggie saute was important, b/c dried spices/herbs release flavor when cooked while fresh spices lose their flavor.
-Carrot, Celery, Onion, cooked in Garlic, Thyme, Lemon, Vegetable Broth
-Quinoa, Avocado, Sliced Almonds, Olives, Green Onion
 took the Curry leftover and gave it new life, switching out the rice and chicken with Butternut Squash and Tempeh.  Enjoyed burrito style and accompanied by the leftover salad with a little supplemental tempeh. I admire curry wraps from World Wraps and such, I want to try adding Grilled Pineapple!
-Curry and Salad from Last Night
-Added Tempeh to the Salad (Balsamic vinegar and Olive Oil
-Tempeh, Squash, Tabouli, Almonds, Turmeric and Curry Powder for the Wrap
Christmas Oatmeal!
How is it Christmas? Well it's got a little bit of red, but more importantly, PEPPERMINT THEME. #3 A little peppermint extract goes a long way. Delicious.
-Oats cooked with Mixed Berries, Peppermint Extract, Agave Nectar, a little Nutmeg
-Soymilk, more Mixed Berries
-A little PEPPERMINT BARK to top it off
The peppermint bark melted into the oatmeal and it was AWESOME.

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