
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Flavor Went Fast Today: Oatmeal, Recovery Treats, Super Burrito Dinner

I'm not going to write too much because i'm exhausted from racing today! Long story short, First place in my first High School Varsity Race by 3.5 minutes. Guess my diet and recipes have been working (fast flavor)! Race report and photos here:
Latin American Lefty's
 Leftovers from last night, Grilled Lemon Garlic Chicken Burrito, but this time with Latin American influence via Steamed Garlic Plantain and Salsa Fresca! I'm experimenting with plantains as you may have noticed, and tried slicing some up and steaming with Granulated Garlic w/ Parsley. #1 They were dialed, but I found that the thinner slices got more crispy which was very desireable, like chips. Which went great with the avocado, salsa, and Lemon Garlic Tahini Sauce! I also had a delicious yogurt parfait for dessert when I got a 2nd wind of hunger (non fat plain yogurt, dried mango/cranberry, honey, galaxy granola, coconut flakes, crystalized ginger, almond butter).
-See Dinner Last Night
-Garlic Plantain Chips/Slices
-Fresh Avocado and Arugula
-Salsa, Sea Salt, Olive Oil
Recovery Treat #2: More Bobbilicious
 Calorie packing part two with another of Bobbi's samples. I already went into to detail last time on this product when I discovered bobbilicious so I wont rant this time, all I have to say is I love so much Almond flavor, but also a buttery (without butter) Moist Maple Pecan party!
Recovery Treat #1: Lenny and Larry Cookie's and Cream Muscle Brownie
 After a race, my body is always so hungry that my digestive system can't keep up. usually that ends up in massive feasting followed by stomach pain but continued hunger as I still need more calories. thus, I decided this time to go with the usual recovery drink (Gu Brew Strawberry Watermelon Recovery), #2 but then instead of eating tons of real food, opt for calorie dense protein, carbs, and sugar I need with less fiber so it goes down easy, then once i'm more recovered and caught up caloricly, move on to eating real food, getting in the vitamins and fiber I need. It worked out perfectly! And tasted amazing. I started with this delicious and dense brownie, packing a massive 20g of protein but no fiber, aka super tasty and digests super easily! More about what it tastes like here from last time.
Classic Tried and True
Overnight oats are going to be a race savior this year. #3 Still get to have the race breakfast of champions (no, they lied, its not Wheaties) without sacrificing sleep. I didn't get creative or crazy with a theme, just simple and what I had to work with the night before. Perfect in the car ride.
-60g oats, 200g soymilk, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves
-Blueberries, Pumpkin Butter, Almond Butter
-Almonds, Dried Cranberries

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