
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ode to Sous Vide

I've really been enjoying the Sous-Vide Supreme I got my mom for Christmas (unfortunately more than her, but hopefully she'll catch on soon). The benefits are endless. I mostly enjoy the convenience, efficiency, and perfect control of cooking.

This post is all about extremely fine tasting food that's stupidly easy to prepare.
Boom! Standard Breaky Ready in Advance
Cinnamon Sea Salt Sweet Potato w/ some PERFECTLY soft boiled eggs from the batch.
Magic revealed.
I used it for this Salmon and it came out amazing. Exploding with flavor from the Turmeric and some Green Curry Paste that was all vacuum trapped inside while cooking.
So tender, not over or underdone.
I enjoyed with some Mashed Cauliflower which I was recently really into after my Mom made some. Steam and then food process! It tastes better than mashed potatoes by far (especially because you can eat pounds of it and feel great). I did Garlic, Rosemary, and Sea Salt in mine.
A bit of Ghee melted over everything is always good.
Some Steamed Carrots and Chard Sauté as well.
I threw some Lamb Loin Chops in before training with a New Zealand Lamb Rub Spice Blend that came with the machine. It was done in an hour but I took it out 6 hours later!
And still perfect medium rare, exploding with flavor.
Along with Coconut Oil on Sweet Potato, Sauerkraut, and Sun Dried Tomato. Those three have sort of become a staple as i've been trying to eat less fiber on my bigger days to help with digestion, and that's really all I need (carbs, fat, probiotic fermented food, sun dried tomato b/c they are awesome).


  1. Check out They have really really good fish oil that I just started taking. I take amino acids about an hour before working out to preload my muscles and help prevent soreness.

    Where do you get most of your information and what sites/podcasts do you like? Email me and we can exchange!

  2. Hello! I'm another paleo/traditional food-lover. I came across your blog and I love it! My eating style is very similar to yours...just "girlier," haha. Are from Canada as well? Anyway, this post made me crave some sweet potatoes ;)

  3. @Stephanie

    thanks! I stayed in Canada briefly in Whistler this year, but live in the Bay Area in California. looks like you've got some really similar and awesome eats on your blog!

  4. that's what he said.

    and you haven't even seen the duck eggs I've been eating and getting! AMAZING
