
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cafe Del Soul Remake and Tagine 1.0

Three home runs today!
 Breaking in the tagine with some Curry Spiced Chicken
I also ground some Star Anise for the 1st time and they made the entire meal! Probably my favorite spice now, which is saying a lot.
-Chicken, Asparagus, and Carrot spiced with Curry Powder and Star Anise
-Salad with Dijon Balsamic (balsamic vinegar, olive oil, green onion, cilantro)
-Brown rice with Almonds and Pistachios
-Baked Sweet Potato
 Cafe del Soul Inspiration
Super easily thrown together lunch of a rice dish.  Totally awesome for not cooking anything at all.
-Brown rice, arugula, cucumber, almonds, tofu, cranberries, cumin, pepper, curry powder, hummus
-Orange and a No Bake Granola Bar
B.B.-Vanilla Oatmeal
Tried out the super awesome vanilla whey protein powder in my oatmeal today.  The flavor was good except I think I like the hemp version better because it is less tart/milky tasting.
-Thick Oats cooked with vanilla extract, blueberries, banana
-Vanilla Protein Powder, blueberries, pecans, soymilk

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