
Monday, November 15, 2010

Grilled Salmon, Spiced up Lunch, Orange Muesli

Tried out some new spices on some Salmon baked in the oven.
The onions along with the salmon were nice and caramelized and spicy!
 -Salmon cooked in olive oil with onions, garlic, spiced with cayenne pepper, black pepper, paprika, granulated onion
-Brown rice
-Cabbage, tomato, cucumber, avocado salad with chives
-Citrus Vinaigrette (olive oil, apple cider vinegar, OJ)
Salad and Rice Leftovers, but all jazzed up!
 Used my Raita Mix for a Salad Dressing, which is always bomb, and a similar spice mixture for my brown rice.
-Cabbage, Iceberg Lettuce, Chives, Shredded Carrot
-Raita Mix: yogurt, lemon, Garam Masala, cumin, dill weed
-Brown Rice spiced with Curry Powder, Cilantro
Muesli Mistake this morning...
I forgot my banana and or blueberries this morning...  Was a little bummed until I sacrificed the orange from my lunch and added that in.  Abnormal but delicious! (not pictured)
-Rest of box muesli, added oats
-Hazelnuts, Almonds, Dried Cranberries
-OJ, Soymilk, honey
-Cloves (be sparing with this, it's powerful stuff)

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