
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New Oatmeal and Some Mediterranean Influence

Dinner Trifecta
 Mediterranean Sea Bass Wrap and Salad
 Went with the cucumber, tomato, lemon, hummus, cilantro and parsley theme tonight. Followed by Good Earth Sweet N' Spicy and the last of the last of Thanksgiving food- Pumpkin Pie (except cranberry sauce).
-Wheat tortilla with Sea Bass broiled in lemon/olive oil with herbs
-Cucumber, Tomato, Hummus, Cilantro, Parsley, Garlic Salt, Brown Rice, and Roasted Rosemary Carrot and Avocado
-Iceberg Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumber, Rosemary Carrots, Avocado, and Lemon Vinaigrette
Lunch: Leftover Green Beans/Almonds and Wanna Be Congee
Breakfast: Yes!
I thought my risk of making oatmeal with all spice and real cranberries would be bland, but it was perfect!  Cranberries added just the right tang complimented by a little crunch from some almonds and sweet from dried cherries and strawberries.
-thick oats cooked with cranberries and all spice
-soymilk, strawberries, and dried cherries

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