Sunday, November 14, 2010

Trix are for Kids, Burger Blast, and No Bake Perfection

No time for oatmeal led me to an EPIC muesli discovery.  OJ +cranberries+nutmeg = TRIX are for kids!  I went with soymilk for the first time, orange juice instead of lemon, and a bit of nutmeg since i'm running out of cinnamon.  The flavor combo was awesome and I think I prefer the non-tart qualities of soymilk over yogurt for muesli purposes.  The cranberries, fruit, oj, and honey really made this bowl extra sweet!
-Box Muesli
-Extra oats
-Hazelnuts, Cranberries and Almonds
-Orange Juice and Honey
-Blueberries and Banana

Totally Satisfaction Veggie Burger from Sunflower Cafe (San Anselmo)
I knew that "black bean veggie burger" was a good sign.  The only deficiency is the white bun and the patty could be thicker, but the composition, taste (a little spicy like it should be), and texture are spot on.  I guess I cheated because I ate it at home with my own toppings, but I'm sure you could get away with special requests.  I will definitely ask for a wheat bun/loaf next time, and some salsa, guac, or avocado.
-Veggie burger with pickles, onion, tomato, lettuce, no mayo and side of fruit (went with my own side salad instead)
-Added toppings: hummus, avocado, salsa, cilantro, chives
  All of my toppings went great but the best/necessary were salsa, cilantro, and avocado (however the burger alone was nearly good enough without).
-Cabbage, arugula, chives, cilantro, and dijon balsamic vinaigrette salad

I enjoyed a Max's No Bake Granola Bar 2.0 for dessert at lunch and dinner!

You may remember the first time I made them (green and odd looking).  I made all kinds of tweaks this time and they are now 100x more legit.  The texture/composition is better so they don't fall apart, they're crunchy because of the sliced almonds, more chewy sweet cranberry bites, and I honed in on the cinnamon/vanilla/maple flavoring.
-2 cups thick oats
-1 tbsp cinnamon
-1 tbsp vanilla
-2 cap fulls maple syrup
-1/3 cup soymilk
-4 scoops vanilla whey protein powder (this stuff is high qual and tastes amazing)
-1/2 cup almond butter (used MaraNara this time, much better binding agent)
Baked Chicken/Sweet Potato and Stir Fry
-Chicken thigh spiced with Ginger, Turmeric and some Avocado/Hummus
-Broccoli, Leeks, Mushrooms, Ginger, Garlic, Ginger powder, Soy Sauce, Chicken Broth
-Baked Sweet Potato
Stir fry of onion, soy, ginger, and garlic flavors is too easy to make delicious!

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