Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Feast: Apple Pie and So Much More

Let the left overs begin...
Apple Pie Ala Mode: Vanilla Soy Ice Cream (it's delicious, trust me)
4 hours of training on the road earns massive slices of pie like this! 
 My First Apple Pie/First Pie with Crust Covering!
I wasn't sure how this would turn out being an alternative baking recipe (no butter-sugar-eggs) and my first time making apple pie, but none of my worries came true and it was absolutely delicious.  The crust seemed dry, non-browning, crumbly, and tasteless during baking but it ended up being the perfect crunch and taste I like. Probably just could of done a better job rolling/placing the crust on the pie. The filling itself was pretty easy and delicious too. It didn't taste like maple even though sweetened with maple syrup, and the #3 liberal amount of cinnamon is the way to go. I'd peel the apples if I was giving the pie to someone else but for me I like the extra crunch and nutritional value. I made the following changes to each recipe linked:
-Soymilk for milk in the crust, some ice water to help press it in, and whole wheat pastry flour
-wheat flour for cornstarch (half the amount)
Conventional Christmas Eve?
At the request of my home from college-sister, my mom and her got to do the main cooking: Chicken Curry.  It was delicious over brown rice adding extra turmeric and curry powder, and #2 especially mixing in pistachios, tomato, and green onion from the salad I contributed.
-Carrots, Onion, Chicken, Pototatos (which I avoided), Curry Mix
-Balsamic Salad with Golden Yellow Beets, Pistachios, and Green Onion
-Brown Rice
 Spinach Bolani and Pastrami Turkey = Epic
#1 I will never get over Lemon, Tabouli, Hummus, Olive Oil, and Olives eaten together with the right accompaniments (bolani/turkey/tomato).  Partially made a sandwich and partially just mixed it all together!
-Spinach Bolani and Pastrami Turkey
-Garlic Hummus, Tabouli, Lemon, Olive Oil
-Mixed Greens, Chopped Green Onion, Beets, Tomato
Quick Prep Breakfast before a Massive Road Ride
Went with Galaxy Granola and Soy Yogurt to fuel my big training day. #4 The trade off to oatmeal is faster prep vs easier digestion. Tons of super sweet goodies to mix in!
-Galaxy Granola and Plain Soy Yogurt
-A super ripe Persimmon, partially squeezed in and partially cut
-Hazelnuts, Pecans, Dried Cherries
-Honey, Cinnamon

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