
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Some Chicken, Some Persimmons, Some Kiwis. Life Is Good.

 Chicken Tagine It's Been Too Long!
I love the soft vegetables, lemon-garlic spice flavor, almond crunch, and tender chicken that comes out of my Tagine.  I didn't even use half the right ingredients I normally do!  Olives, cilantro, leeks, and thigh instead of breast meat would be better.  #1 Boneless thigh meat definitely tastes better when not cut up, but if your cubing and stir frying, breast is the way to go.
-Chicken Breast, lots o' Lemon, Garlic, Olive Oil, Fennel, Zucchini, Almonds
-Spice Mixture: Fresh ground Coriander, Mustard Seed, Caraway Seed, Star Anise
-Cumin, Salt, and Pepper Spiced Roasted Sweet Potatoes
-Salad w/ Sesame Lemon Dressing (Lemon, Olive Oil, Sesame Seed Oil, Rice Wine Vinegar) forgot cilantro...
 Hidden dried Cranberries
I love the yummy cranberries and date pieces that end up at the bottom of my smoothies!
-Fluid Recovery
-Cranberries and Dates
I wish Fall was year round...
Some nice oatmeal home. Wait! It's rye flakes instead of oats.  It was a nice subtle change.  I went with Vanilla Almond Persimmon Theme.
-Rye flakes, Vanillla and Strawberries cooked in
-Persimmon, Almond butter, and Soymilk
Accompanied by a nice cup of Herbal Red Rooibos Chai sweetened with Stevia.

 Massive Regular BBQ Chicken Burrito from Mi Pueblo with Black Beans and a Wheat Tortilla. Classic. The burrito sauce is the best.
 Recovery Bowl
-2 Kiwis
-Fluid Recovery
-Topped with Galaxy Granola and Cranberries
 Way too Fancy Lunch for School
Leftovers make life sometimes.  Stuffed Portobello, Broccoli and Hummus, and Salad.  All the same except covered in lemon this time to change it up!  Supplemented with Rain Coast Almond and Date Crisps and Almond Butter. #2 Adding Lemon to anything can make it go from boring to dressed/flavorful.
So much pomegranate!
Another Red Breakfast, except this time with pomegranate instead of more strawberries.  An epic combo of crunch (almonds/pom), chew (cranberries), and mush (oatmeal/cooked raspberries/strawberries).
-Oats with Strawberries and Raspberries cooked in + cinnamon
-Pomegranate, Almonds, Soymilk

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