
Monday, February 7, 2011

Change = Happiness, Coconut, Tilapia, Liqorice

Exploring Coconut
 I have recently been exploring the use of Coconut Milk.  Before it was the more obvious Yellow Basil Curry, but this time I went with a Thyme, Garlic, and Lemon attempt, partially from the recipe linked.  It worked out great; my dad liked it especially.  Entirely based on time and availability.  I forgot to make rice or sweet potatoes so that's why I used some ready Spinach Bolani and Wheat Tortilla, there was some coconut milk leftover, and salad mix leftover.  If I had known what the Coconut Mix was going to turn out like, #1 I would of turned my tortilla into crispy chips to eat it like bean dip, but this worked out well too.
-Coconut Oil, Garlic, Thyme, Basil to saute a Leek and some sliced Almonds
   -Then added drained black beans and coconut milk with some lemon
-Salad Mix with Lemon Dressing (Lemon, Olive Oil, Gomasio, Rice Wine Vinegar)
-Wheat Tortilla and Spinach Bolani
Straight Up Dinner Leftovers
Almost the same as dinner, but with #2 Pine Nuts instead of Avocado (can't leave out the healthy fat), basic Balsamic Dressing, and no Ginger. A nice change, and a pretty amazing meal to be eating at school. Tilapia Salad with Vegetable Quinoa ain't no PB and J. Check it out here.

Stoked on Overnight Oats
     Starting to have my overnight oats down and really enjoying it.  #3 Using soymilk you get the benefits of being able to use more (and therefore not have to add anything for protein) without turning things into liquidy cereal, and the oats get nice and creamy.  I changed things up for the first time, spicing with Ground Anise and Cloves.  Basically made everything that was already good taste like a Liqorice-fest.  Combine that flavoring quality with the fact that I had a solid combo of soft fruit, chewy dried fruit, crunchy nuts, liquid soymilk, and gushy oats and I was quite pleased.
-1/2c oats, 2/3c soymilk, pumpkin butter
-Almonds, Dried Cherries, Blueberries, Raspberries
-Ground Anise, Cloves, Almond Oil

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