
Monday, February 21, 2011

Italian, Yogurtland, The Best Cafe

Italian Dinner, TRIED to keep it light, but didn't really in the end... My sister's Mushroom Risotto was the best, plenty of sharp flavors from really good parmesan, definitely some wine, fennel, and mushrooms.
 Couldn't hold back from the Pistachio Tart, was just barely worth it, mainly for the yummy crust and juicy apricot/pears.
 Dad's Scallop and Beet Salad
This was really good, and that's not Bacon, they are like Veggie Crisps. I realized Scallops are very good most of the time, not incredibly healthy though in the ranks of fish.
 Sister's Tuna Tartare
This was very yummy, Ahi Tuna is always good but especially when well seasoned.
 My House Salad
A little bland/light on the dressing, but the presentation was obviously epic and it had some good ingredients. I definitely am going to use cucumbers this way in the future!
I got the Halibut Fillet, drawn to it by the Olive and Fennel but had to replace the fennel because the waitress said it had dairy in it. I went for brussel sprouts, not knowing they'd be cooked in butter, and would mean no olive either. The ones that didn't have too much butter were pretty good still, not as good as mine though. Realized they kind of taste like purple cabbage with that slight mustard like bite. Pretty good. The fish was quality, went pretty well with the brussel sprouts once salted and peppered.
Fro Yo Done Right
I wasn't going to eat froyo during the day because it didn't feel right to me, but after tasting the Pistachio flavor and some others while my sister was getting some and seeing they had Circus Animals, I had to do it.  The pistachio was so amazing, by far the best and officially a must have at all Fro-Yos. Yogurtland is definitely a top froyo chain in my book, although they still don't have butterscotch chips and a few other things that culture shock had. They have so many epic flavors compared to Marin Fro Yos!
-Mostly Pistachio, then Super Fruit Tart, some Acai and some Blueberry Yogurt
-Few Blueberries, Lychee, and Mango
-Mochi, Carob Chips, and Circus Animals!
Stoked on this restaurant!  A chain in Socal with a million amazing choices on the menu and the best veggie burger ever (my sister got it).  I went with "Mr Natural", adding Grilled Chicken and opting for the Ginger Tahini sauce. #2 The best choices for sure. I have to make the sauce it home. It's like nice Tahini gets a bite to it with Sweet Ginger. That along with fajita like grilled chicken and perfectly steamed vegetables were the highlights. They were perfectly cooked, high quality, and almost sweet on their own. Plus a side salad with Tahini dressing. Mediterranean and Oil Free for the win! I wish we had these in Norcal.
-Grilled Chicken and Ginger Tahini Sauce
-Steamed Vegetables (squash, broccoli, carrot, onion, cauliflower) and Purple Cabbage
-Brown Rice
Tre Lune
A nice Italian Restaurant for a family breakfast, went with "The Herbie", a poached egg white on top of some sauteed vegetables.  At first I was scared to eat vegetables at breakfast but then decided to go for it and got pretty into it.  Comes with a bit of fruit and wheat toast, which went great with the HOUSE-MADE preserves.  The Apricot Jam was solid.  #3 The best thing about Italian restaurants is NO BUTTER. I had to have some healthy fat, and some spice so I got some Tabasco and a side of avocado (which came with drizzled olive oil), and it was legit. The mushrooms were a mix a quality mix of crimini and porcini!

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