
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Choco Mint Breakfast, Med Wrap to Die For, More Pizza!

Easy Tortilla Pizza 2.0
Second time making some tortilla pizzas with my best friends Seth and Trevor! They even got to enjoy real cheese on their's...  I was totally stoked all around with all the toppings, spices, and herbs, but I need to use even less of the sauce in the middle to get a truly crunchy crust underneath.  Nutritional yeast, oregano and pastrami turkey were all excellent additions! One section even had pineapple, which complimented the turkey perfectly for a Hawaiian Pizza feel. So many delicious toppings, but I forgot olives!
-Wheat Tortilla with Pizza Sauce (tomato paste, hummus, Oregano, basil)
-Garlic, Red Onion, Portobello Mushroom, Asparagus,
-Pastrami Turkey, Avocado, Nutritional Yeast, Fresh Ground Pepper
Post Ride Feast
I was so close to getting Taco Jane's after my epic road ride (talked to Mateo the owner on Bofax and was inspired for a Red Snapper Burrito), but decided to consume all the leftovers in my fridge instead. With a twist as always.  Took the fish and vegetables from dinner and combined into a steamed wheat wrap flavored with Tahini, Dill Weed, Curry, and Garam Masala. Wow! A Middle Eastern Mediterranean Fish Burrito to die for! #2 Garam Masala officially goes great with Tahini and or Carrot flavor (carrot probably because it's basically like cinnamon and nutmeg, like in carrot cake).  Miso Soup was just as bomb as before, definitely down to make large batches of it and keep in the fridge to eat whenever, maybe even for breakfast!
-Miso Soup Leftovers (threw in some cucumber which absorbed some soup and was like yummy zucchni)
-Wheat Wrap, Golden Beets, Trout, Cucumber, Tomato
 -Olives, Curry, G. Masala, Tahini, Dill Weed, Shredded Carrot
Pre Ride Rocket Fuel
I'm calling this breakfast "Rocket Fuel" because I ate it right before KILLING a 3 hour road ride with an hour of Zone 3/4 climbing (~90% of max effort).  #3 It's gotta be the Cacao Nibs! Man, the weekends really make me wish I didn't have to go to school, or could start at 9 or something, cooking oatmeal fresh is a nice change.  I cooked in fruit and mint! Complimented with the same fruit but fresh, Nut Butter, and Cacao Nibs! A Strawberry-Kiwi combo with a hint of Mint and Nutty Bitter Sweet Chocolate!  I only used a little mint and 2 cardamom pods to spice, and the cacao nibs really added a nutty bitter flavor and plenty of crunch factor. Like mint choco chip ice cream. I may have to do a Matcha Green version that will really be like ice cream for breakfast! The nibs also add a tiny bit of caffeine to get you going!
-50g oats, 1c water, dash of dried mint, 2 cardamom pods, 2 strawberries/ .5 kiwi cooked in
-1 strawberry, .5 kiwi
-cacao nibs and almond butter

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