
Friday, February 11, 2011

Sponsor Highlight Lenny and Larry's Cookies/Brownies, Garlic Lemon Tahini Fest, Bird Food Breakfast

 New Sponsor!
   I've been eating Lenny and Larry's Complete Cookies in all flavors from my local corner store (the quick stop!) for a while, but only recently got connected with the company through Facebook. Weird modern day world I guess... Well they decided to hook it up! I got some of their brownies, which I hadn't tried yet. Went with Cookies and Cream Brownie for dessert today and was not let down! Simply a dense chewy nice tasty brownie at first, but with some kind of similar taste I couldn't put my finger on and then it came to me...It's like a Hostess HoHo! But infinitely healthier.  There products are packed with protein instead of just super sugary carbs and saturated fat like most treats, and have mostly real good ingredients. Especially the Vegan Complete Cookies I was already eating before (all the flavors are good, especially Lemon Poppyseed and Oatmeal Raisin).
The Usual: Meat, Grains, but mostly Vegetables
Didn't have much of a plan or anything going on in my mind, kind of just cooked a bunch of what needed to go from the fridge and figured it out at the last second.  I guess it was a Lemon-Garlic-Thyme-Tahini theme, Mediterranean? My veggie saute is always bomb, Lemon-thyme-garlic just wins. And leeks are superior to onions and will never taste bad either. I'm new to eating Trout, not sure if i'm down with all the bones, but it tasted pretty good. #1 Garlic Tahini dressing over everything is the way to go. Basically a ton of nice mixed vegetables with some grains and meat, like every dinner of mine? I don't do it on purpose for health reasons, just make a bunch of veggies so my meal feels complete and like I actually created something.
-Golden Beets, Steamed Broccoli
-Leek, Fennel, Portobello Sauté in Lemon, Thyme, Garlic, Fennel Seed, Veggie Broth
-Trout baked with Lemon and Pepper
-Leftover Brown Rice and Quinoa mix
-Avocado, Tomato, and Garlic mixed with Tahini
Easy Lunch
Threw together a bit of leftovers with some extra fresh vegetables and a little bit of spice for a clean and quick lunch. I was craving a little crunch from some nuts, but otherwise it was delicious. I can't not enjoy such quality ingredients. Like avocado. and olives. and basically everything in this... #2 Lemon+Cumin=Legit.
-Brown Rice and Sol Food Pinto Beans Leftovers
-Avocado, Tomato, Cucumber, Olives, Shredded Carrot
-Olive Oil, Lemon, Cumin
Quinoa Bowl
Bird food returns! A nice fluffy cup of it.  I tried to sneak a bit of mint flavor in, but with dried herbs you really need to heat them for the flavor to come out, and I used a tiny bit when it was already cooled down too much.  Still gave a slight hint which was good and I'm looking forward to it in the future.  Highlights were just a tad bit of almond milk, the raspberries sort of fused with the quinoa, as did the almond butter making little smackerels of quinoa/almond butter or quinoa/raspberry. The chewy cranberries were nice treats as well. #3 My favorite kind of almond butter makes anything delicious (it's got more protein due to egg whites).
-Quinoa, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Cloves, a bit of Mint
-Almond Milk, Almond Butter
-Blueberries, Raspberries, Dried Cranberries

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