
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Clean Up Eats: Grill Life, Cinnamon Berry Explosion/Lucky Charms

Today I enjoyed lunch in the Redwood Bark (newspaper) Room; definitely a nice work environment, although they need some quality computer desks for home! After eating a lot on the weekend including my own weight in Froyo, and then so many V-Day splurges, I tried to keep it a little cleaner recently. I was quite pleased as each meal was quite delicious while being really light and healthy.
 Sesame Mustard Tofu Kale Sesh
Is it weird that I like vegetables so much? I decided that tofu is totally legit made the right way eaten at the right time. #1 I thought I was over it and moved on to tempeh, but realized it's so much easier to digest b/c has no fiber, so if your eating a meal with plenty of hearty veggies already, tofu is a perfect addition. It's also dialed when turned crispy and golden brown around the edges with spices! BSprouts were awesome again with ground mustard seed, except lemon also, and mixed in with some of Stonewall Kitchen Wasabi Mustard. Buddha's Hand Zest and Tahini is good over everything! This meal packed a powerful bite with mustard/wasabi, lemon, and sesame! I've also been super down with purple cabbage, it tastes a little bit like Dijon Mustard on it's own and is SO crunchy.
-Tofu and Kale Saute (Gomasio, Soy Sauce, Sesame Oil, Garlic, Lemon, Veggie Broth)
-Grilled B-Sprouts (Mustard Seed, Lemon, Sesame Oil, Olive Oil, Pepper, Sea Salt, Gomasio)
-Brown Rice, Purple Cabbage, Avocado, Tahini, Wasabi Mustard
Grilled Salmon and Vegetables
I might be entering a grilled food phase? Less liquidy food but just as much flavor! Like salad with the flavor of the dressing but a hot smokey crunchy clean sensation instead of soggy one.  This grilled salmon and vegetable combo again reminded me of my childhood family dinners at Benihana. It had a little bit of Mexican theme to it since it was a little spicy and enjoyed witha avo and salsa. The outside gained a nice crust from being cooked on high heat.  Kind of like a gourmet fish stick.  Brussel sprouts were epic, not only b/c I realized that they are really good no matter what, especially grilled, but also b/c I used ground mustard seed which adds a wasabi like flavor bite! So good I could eat a mountain of them! I mean I sort of did... #2 I started b. sprouts in the grill pan with garlic, olive oil, pepper, and mustard seed, then added the onions a little later, then the salmon and spices, and finally the mushrooms so that everything cooked together and finished around the same time. Some medium high heat at first to get the nice grilled flavor but then low heat and covered to make everything cooked through.
-Grilled Brussel Sprouts with Mustard Seed, Olive Oil, Pepper, Sea Salt
-Grilled Portobello Mushroom, Red Onion
-Grilled Salmon with Turmeric, Garlic and Onion Powder, and Chili Powder, on top of a bed of crunchy Purple Cabbage
-Brown Rice, Avocado, Salsa
Leftovers+Sesame Salt
Lunch was pretty sweet and delicious, basically just snagged some leftovers from dinner, and added a bit of brown rice, spice, and dressing. Sweet carrot lentil soup, brown rice balsamic salad and a little bit of grilled chicken all mixed up nicely into a good combo of salty yet sweet and creamy.
-Balsamic and Olive Oil, Sesame Salt
-Spring Mix and Grilled Chicken
-Brown Rice and Lentil Soup
Cinnamon Berry Explosion
No dedicated sweetener, much fats, or dried fruit, and not too much real fruit, but it was so good anyways!  A cinnamon and spice berry explosion! Think ginger bread. #3 Thank you spices and stevia extract! Prepared overnight style.
-55g oats, 180g soymilk, 4 drops stevia
-Raspberries, Blackberries, Blueberries
-Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Cloves

Cereal Discovery: Lucky Charms!!!
Bam! Another discovery. Once again without a dedicated sweetener like honey/agave/maple syrup/jam/dried fruit. Went to sleep at 8 last night, and figured I'd auto-wake up early enough to make breakfast but still woke up at the usual 7... That meant act fast! Quick look at the nutrition on some plain cheerios and some non sweet vanilla galaxy granola and found the cheerios a hair better, pretty much dead equal though. It ended up tasting just like Lucky Charms! It was probably the sweetness from the kiwi, wheat cereal aspect of cheerios, #4 and liqorice-esk spice/extract. So pleased! Lucky charms are the best. All I have to do is add some crazy food coloring and it will nearly be the same.
-50g Plain Cheerios
-180g Soymilk
-1/2 Kiwi, Mixed Berries
-2 Ground Star Anise Petals, 1 cap-full Anise Extract

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