
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Miso 2.0, Sol Food Makeover, New Breakfast

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Miso 2.0
 Second time making Miso Soup! Some different vegetables, and no tofu/tempeh was in supply today.  The mozuku seaweed was abundant and basically acted as yummy noodles!  Enjoyed with some plain quinoa, sliced almonds, and Goma Ae gone Coconut.  The shredded coconut was definitely a nice and interesting touch.  I haven't had quinoa plain in a long time, and it is not bad at all! Just a nice simple fluffy texture, like if couscous became a cloud in your mouth. Although I did end up pretty much putting everything in the Miso, which was bomb.
-Miso Soup (Miso paste, carrot, onion, Mozuku seaweed, Nori seaweed, portobello mushroom)
-Spinach Goma Ae (spinach, sesame oil, olive oil, toasted ground sesame, pineapple, shredded coconut)
-Quinoa and sliced Almonds
Latin America meets Mediterranean
 Lunch was a a whole bunch of leftovers with a little extra pizazzz. I finally got to open up the Tahini I added to my pantry, and I am totally pleased.  It is going to be dressing many salads in the future. In the same attempt to add healthy fats to my meal I went with some pistachios for my salad, and actually had to use shelled ones for the first time instead of just the meats, and I must say they are a bit better when you de-shell yourself.  There's nothing like taking already good leftovers (Sol food) and re-experiencing them even better or in a new way (Mediterranean Lemon Tahini Olive). And its too easy.
-Sol food Leftovers (little chicken, little tostone, Pinto Beans, Lemon Garlic Salad)
-Added extra olives, lemon, tahini, pistachios,
-Sweet Potato
-tiny bit of Basil Tempeh
Carrot Kombucha
 That's not Synergy, I roll home-brew. Bottling with carrot juice is legit! and calculus...
Egg Whites Oh Yea!
I think I now have all my morning protein sources down (that go in oatmeal).  Yogurt, soymilk, Plant Protein, Quinoa (instead of oatmeal) and Egg Whites to mix it up.  Couldn't find much on the web about using egg whites in oatmeal, so just went for it. And it worked.  One egg white has only 17 calories?! but 4 grams of protein! That's crazy.  I really liked the eggy taste it added, complementing the creamy sweet vanilla and cinnamon perfectly.  That, the almond milk, strawberries, and pecans were all the perfect choices.  I think they would also go well with a Banana Maple Nut themed bowl. It was a bit liquidy/oily, I didn't compensate the amount of water to cook the oats in, and probably added in the eggs too early, so I need to change either of those techniques.  Either fold in the whites later, cook longer, and or use less water than normal.
-1/2c oats, 2 egg whites, generous amount of Vanilla extract, Cinnamon
-Almond Milk and Pecans
-Strawberries Raspberries Blueberries

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