
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Coconut Kefir Crunch, Wrap/Burrito Life

Good Old Burrito Night
Haven't had a plain tried and true Rice and Beans Burrito Night in a while. It was so good. The aromas of Lemon, Garlic, Olive, Onion, Cilantro and Parsley filled the air as I munched on an endless amount of rice, beans, salsa, veggies, and a steamy-toasty tortilla. #1 These beans are becoming a specialty. Just heat with all the accompanying ingredients 'til the onions are soft. I sprinkled some nutritional yeast over everything for the first time which was a worthy addition. Like a salty cheese but so much healthier.
-Black Beans, 1/2 Onion, Garlic Cloves, Olives (halved), Lemon
-Brown Rice and a Tortilla
-Salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, carrot)
-Avocado, Parsley,
-Olive Oil, Salt 'n Peppa, Nutritional Yeast
Lefty's Wrap
5 minutes while half awake this morning. Definitely tasty though! Not sure what to call it or what culture it comes from, but it was a sweet creamy tender combo of different flavors.
-Tortilla, Brown Rice Onigiri
-Sweet Ginger Chicken and Almonds/Onion
-Some Sweet Potato
-Salad of Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato
-Sabra Spinach Artichoke Hummus
More Than Meets The Eye: Coconut Kefir
The last of the Lydia's Sprouted Cinnamon Cereal, but this was extra special. My first use of my first batch of Coconut Kefir! I finally got some Body Ecology Kefir Starter to use with the Frozen Coconut Water they also sell, although any coconut water should work. It basically turns Coconut Water into a sweet slightly bitter coconuty milk full of healthy yeast cultures! And super easy to make. I couldn't imagine using the water for cereals/oatmeal, but the Kefir form is legit! Made my cereal into a Crunchy Sweet Coconut Cinnamon amalgamation. Next up: Coconut Kefir Infused Overnight Oats (hint hint be ready!)
-65g Lydia's Sprouted Cinnamon Cereal
-1-2t Chia Seeds
-Additional Shredded Coconut
-Coconut Kefir

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